Our products & services
Finance Lease & Operating Lease
Finance product designed for clients needing the right to use a specific asset spreading out over a long period of time the cash outflow and payments rather than cash-out the entire price immediately. In the Finance Lease, the client also keeps business flexibility by holding the right to buy the property of the equipment at the end of the lease term.
Business Loan
Finance product designed for clients willing to acquire the property of the equipment immediately but spreading out the cash outflow by dividing it into installments.
Purchase of receivables
Finance product designed for Vendors needing to receive immediate cash from their sales and willing to continue to keep the relationship with their clients while transferring the credit risk on the debtor to SGEF.
Purchase of "contracts"
Finance product designed for Vendors willing to transfer the renting contracts signed with their clients and sell the underlying assets and the related receivables, making immediate cash-in and transferring the credit risk on the debtor to SGEF.